Trying to make a POC on Overview Page Cards with navigation. I have followed a few tutorials in setting up the cards and annotations using the Northwind OData service.
I want to navigate to another app by clicking on the cards. The docs say this is done using intent-based navigation
This app I am trying to navigate to is registered in Fiori Launchpad with semantic object of "Northwind" and action as "Display"
I have the Employees card setup in the manifest.json and it displays the records fine.
However, when I add the navigation parameters in the annotationPath
and identificationAnnotationPath
, the data is not displayed and the navigation doesn't work.
Manifest.json card snippet
"card00": {
"model": "NorthwindModel",
"template": "sap.ovp.cards.table",
"settings": {
"title": "{{card00_title}}",
"category": "{{card00_category}}",
"subTitle": "{{card00_subTitle}}",
"entitySet": "Employees",
"annotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.LineItem#Northwind-Display",
"identificationAnnotationPath": "com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Identification#Northwind-Display"
I've also tried leaving out the action, but I get the same results.
What am I doing wrong and what is the proper way to navigate to apps from Overview Page Cards? I'm unable to find any resources on this topic.
I happened to come across your question and see that you have found the documentation about card navigation. Although you might already have found a solution, I thought I would mention that there is also documentation about annonotations for intent-based navigation - Annotations Used in Overview Pages (com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation). Perhaps this document might be helpful or a possible future reference.
<Record Type="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation">
<PropertyValue Property="SemanticObject" String="Action"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Action" String="display"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Label" String="northwinddemo"/>
<Annotation Term="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Importance" EnumMember="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.ImportanceType/Medium"/>
try this. maybe it should work.
You can try using the below annotation.
<Record Type="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.DataFieldForIntentBasedNavigation">
<PropertyValue Property="SemanticObject" String="Action"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Action" String="toappnavsample"/>
<PropertyValue Property="Label" String="Navigation from line item"/>
<Annotation Term="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.Importance" EnumMember="com.sap.vocabularies.UI.v1.ImportanceType/Medium"/>
Here toappnavsample is the name of the application you want to navigate to on the Fiori launchpad.