How can I change the working directory of MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-12 03:23:42


We are currently calling the runner like this:

D:\BuildTools\MSBSonarQubeRunner-1.0.2\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin /k:"someKey" /n:"someName" /v:"someVersion" /d:sonar.resharper.cs.reportPath="K:\somePath\resharper.xml"

We want to have the output of sonar in K:\.sonarqube

We tried to use the command line arg /\\.sonarqube but that didn't work. We also tried setting the working directory in the SonarQube.Analysis.xml like this: <Property Name="">K:\.sonarqube\</Property>

That didn't work too ... We need to have it in a top directory, because the sonar runner throws an PathTooLongException (out path is 286 characters long).

Thank you for your help


It is not possible to change the working directory of the SonarQube Scanner for MSBuild.

You can however launch the build from another folder, but all 3 steps (begin, msbuild and end) must be launched from that folder:

  1. k:
  2. D:\BuildTools\MSBSonarQubeRunner-1.0.2\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe begin ....
  3. msbuild /t:rebuild c:\whereever\your\sources\are\Solution.sln
  4. D:\BuildTools\MSBSonarQubeRunner-1.0.2\MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner.exe end

