How can I exclude some META-INF files when building a bundled jar using the maven apache felix plugin?
Here's my felix config
<!-- Embed all dependencies -->
I'm pulling in all transitive dependencies and embedding them because I want to create a single jar that I can add to my classpath.
When I try to run my jar though I get the exception
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes
Following a post I found on SO, I manually deleted some META-INF/ files that appear to come from the bouncy files. I then recreated my jar file and it worked. Is there a way to do this automatically using the felix plugin?
It looks like the shade plugin makes this easy. So I switched to using the shade plugin rather than using the felix plugin. Here's my pom plugin config:
<!-- We need to exclude the signatures for any signed jars otherwise
we get an exception. -->
See http://goo.gl/dbwiiJ