I found some threads here in the forum related to this problem but they didn't help me. I just want to update my database with a date value. These come from a Textfile (written there as 2014-10-02 for example). Now I tried this (which was mentioned in the other threads):
String connectionQuery = form1.conString.Text;
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionQuery);
SqlCommand sqlComInsert = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO [" + form1.tableName.Text + "] ([" + form1.CusId.Text + "],["+ form1.date.Text +"],[" + form1.cusName.Text + "]) VALUES('" + cusId[i] + "',convert(date,'" + date[i] + "',104),'" + "','" + cusName[i] + "')", connection);
Now when I leave the "'" out ("',convert / "',104)) he tells me that the syntax is incorrect near 2013 (the beginning of my date). When I write it like above then I get: String or binary data would be truncated.
What is this? I tried also to convert the date with:
for (int i = 0; i < typeDelDate.Count; i++)
unFormatedDate = date[i];
formatedDate = unFormatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
but I get still the same errors. How can I update my values? the column type is "date".
Use parametrized queries instead of slapping strings together:
var commandText = "insert (column) values (@dt);";
var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("dt", DateTime.ParseExact(dateString, "yyyy-MM-dd"));
Do not pass values into queries by adding strings - if possible, you should always use parameters. It saves you a lot of trouble converting to proper values (different for different locales etc.), it's more secure, and it helps performance.