I am unable to use Composer
and thus have to install CakePDF plugin manually, but following examples from official CakePHP documentation does not seem to work.
So here is installation flow that I have followed:
1.) Copied the plugin to app/plugins/CakePdf
2.) Updated the app's composer.json
file, like following:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"CakePdf\\": "./plugins/CakePdf/src",
"CakePdf\\Test\\": "./plugins/CakePdf/tests"
"autoload-dev": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\Test\\": "tests",
"Cake\\Test\\": "./vendor/cakephp/cakephp/tests"
"CakePdf\\": "./plugins/CakePdf/src",
"CakePdf\\Test\\": "./plugins/CakePdf/tests"
3.) Loaded the plugin in bootstrap.php
Plugin::load('CakePdf', ['bootstrap' => true, 'routes' => true, 'autoload' => true]);
4.) Added router extensions:
5.) Tried a very simple sample from plugin's doc:
$cakePdf = new CakePdf(array(
'engine' => 'CakePdf.DomPdf',
'pageSize' => 'A4',
'orientation' => 'portrait'
$html = '<html><head><body><p>Pdftest</p></body></head></html>';
$rawPdf = $CakePdf->output($html);
However the code breaks at the first line and the following error message is provided:
Class 'App\Controller\CakePdf' not found
I would really appreciate any help or guidance for how a plugin should be installed manually.
If there is any other information that I need to provide, just ask.
You are getting this error because inside vendor/composer/
you can see some autoload_*.php
files. These files hold the paths to load your classes. I think no one can safely tell you what to update and where in these files.
So you have two solutions:
1 - Copy composer.json
on a local machine and run composer update
. Then move the files created inside your app. I would suggest to take a backup before. Most probably the things that you will have to move are:
2 - Start updating the files inside vendor/composer/autoload_*.php
with the paths from the plugin. Most probably you will only need to update the following two files:
and vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php
. Personally I wouldn't choose the second solution I am just adding it as an alternative just in case.