I have an Excel workbook with the following format:
| A | B | C | D | E |
1| | po#1 | po#2 | po#3 | po#1 |
2| | date1 | date2 | date3 | date4 |
3|sku1| qty1 | qty4 | qty7 | qty10 |
4|sku2| qty2 | qty5 | qty8 | qty11 |
5|sku3| qty3 | qty6 | qty9 | qty12 |
that I need to convert to the following format:
| A | B | C | D |
1| po#1 | date1 | sku1 | qty1 |
2| po#1 | date1 | sku2 | qty2 |
3| po#1 | date1 | sku3 | qty3 |
4| po#1 | date4 | sku1 | qty10 |
5| po#1 | date4 | sku2 | qty11 |
6| po#1 | date4 | sku3 | qty12 |
7| po#2 | date2 | sku1 | qty4 |
8| po#2 | date2 | sku2 | qty5 |
9| po#2 | date2 | sku3 | qty6 |
10| po#3 | date3 | sku1 | qty7 |
11| po#3 | date3 | sku2 | qty8 |
12| po#3 | date3 | sku3 | qty9 |
without using VBA.
On a copy, delete Row2 and apply the reverse pivot technique detailed (with pictures!) here. When you get to the Table, switch the order of the Row
and Column
columns and insert a new column between the two. Populate this with an HLOOKUP from your original data (that still has Row2). Sort ascending on Column Value
. Delete the labels and, if desired, convert Table to Range.
Edit Above addresses an earlier version of the OP. To address the current version Rows1 and 2 could be replaced with the result of a formula such as =A1&"|"&A2
(based on the contents of A1 and A2 before replacement) with copying across to suit, then splitting these apart again in the Table by text manipulation with searching for |