I am using spring-data-neo4j 3.4.2, which is (optionally) using AspectJ.
My IDE is IntelliJ IDEA 16 (EAP, IU-144.3891.8). I have had the same problem using latest IntelliJ IDEA 15.
Everything works fine so far within IntelliJ, I can compile, run my Unit-Tests, deploy and run my web-application to/on Wildfly and so on.
When building my project in IntelliJ, I can see usage of the required aspects (the following warning is ok).
org.springframework.data.neo4j.aspects.support.node.Neo4jNodeBacking has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]
My problem: IntelliJ IDEA uses the spring-aspects/ajc correctly. But in the editor, the aspects are not resolved/used. Code-completion etc. does not work.
At AspectJ-facet configuration, aspect-path is configured as suggested.
Plugins "AspectJ Support" and "Spring AOP/@AspectJ" are installed and active.
I would like to use the spring-(data-)aspects in my editor, any suggestions, how IntelliJ Editor can get aware of the apsects?
There are a lot of open AspectJ-related tickets for IDEA. They have not been resolved for a long time. I love IDEA, but when it comes to AspectJ support Eclipse is superior, probably because AspectJ is an Eclipse project. So whenever I am dealing with AspectJ, I normally use Eclipse, as much as I would like to do everything in my favourite IDE IntelliJ IDEA.