I want to print the mule configuration file name, in the logger in the flow, how can I get it?
Suppose the configuration file name in test.xml, inside that a flow is having logger, which prints test.xml, how can I get this?
<flow name="filenameFlow">
<http:listener config-ref="HTTP_Listener_Configuration" path="/Hello" doc:name="HTTP"/>
<logger message="#[app.name.toString()]" level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
[name.flow] is not correct one.
you should go with #[flow.name]
which is the correct form. Don't mislead by your answers.
Should print out the name of your application, in you case "test". This is not however the name of the xml file. #[flow.name] will give you the name of the flow currently executing.
Try these expressions:
1) #[message.outboundProperties['originalFileName']]
2) #[header:originalFilename]
I have done almost the same thing a few days ago.
Add a global element
of type property placeholder
, give location: mule-deploy.properties
In logger, use ${config.resources}
It will work if there is only one config file.
Just as @dlb explained, I am also wondering you may have better solution for your requirement, basically I am asuming that you want to make log more transparent, and easier to locate which flow caused any event/error.
As such, it makes more sense to log flow name rather than the config file name, which may contain multiple flows.You can utilize the catagory in log component for this purpose:
<logger level="INFO" category="${application-prefix}.myMainFlow" doc:name="Logger" message="#['payload is ---\n' + payload]"/>
In each and every log component (logs should be used in important places kind of milestones), input ${application-prefix}.flowName in catagory (property is used for reusing application's name in all logs, and flowName should be hardcoded), then you will find logs like below in runtime:
INFO 2016-09-07 17:00:27,566 [[test].HTTP_Listener_Configuration.worker.01] com.myOrg.myApp.myMainFlow: payload is ---
Hello World
Try this expression.