There is no matching specific subroutine for this type bound generic subroutine call

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-12 01:48:15


I have a type with two bound procedures (GetAsScalar & GetAsList) under a generic procedure (GetValue):

type, extends(TObject)  ::  TKeyword
    character(len=:), allocatable               ::  fValue

    procedure, private                          ::  GetAsScalar
    procedure, private                          ::  GetAsList        

    generic                                     ::  GetValue    =>  &
                                                    GetAsScalar,    &
end type TKeyword

The routines signatures are these:

subroutine GetAsScalar (this, value, status)
    class(TKeyword)                                 ::  this
    class(*), target                                ::  value
    logical, optional                               ::  status

end subroutine GetAsScalar

subroutine GetAsList (this, value, status)
    class(TKeyword)                                 ::  this
    class(*), pointer                               ::  value(:)
    logical, optional                               ::  status

end subroutine GetAsList

Internally, the TKeyword object stores a string.

If I try to use it in the following way (bellow), I get a compilation error: "There is no matching specific subroutine for this type bound generic subroutine call"

class(TKeyword), pointer :: key
class(*), pointer :: p(:)
allocate (integer::p(3))

!Code to read instantiate the TKeyword object

call key%GetValue(p, status)

select type (p)
type is (integer)
    write (*,*) p
end select

If I remove the GetASScalar from the generic association and make it public, the following code works as expected:

class(TKeyword), pointer :: key
class(*), pointer :: p(:)
allocate (integer::p(3))

!Code to read instantiate the TKeyword object

call key%GetAsList(p, status)

select type (p)
type is (integer)
    write (*,*) p
end select

When passing a scalar (integer, real, character, etc), the GetAsScalar routine is called without problems.

I would like to know why this is happening. What am I missing in this "generic thing" that makes the compiler unable to recognize my subroutine under the generic? There is a way to make this work? Would be something related with the routine signature?

I'm using Intel Fortran


Acoording to answers in the intel fortran forum (, this code should work and the compiler error is probably a small bug in the compiler.

An issue was escalated by Steve Lionel (Intel).


