I have a type with two bound procedures (GetAsScalar & GetAsList) under a generic procedure (GetValue):
type, extends(TObject) :: TKeyword
character(len=:), allocatable :: fValue
procedure, private :: GetAsScalar
procedure, private :: GetAsList
generic :: GetValue => &
GetAsScalar, &
end type TKeyword
The routines signatures are these:
subroutine GetAsScalar (this, value, status)
class(TKeyword) :: this
class(*), target :: value
logical, optional :: status
end subroutine GetAsScalar
subroutine GetAsList (this, value, status)
class(TKeyword) :: this
class(*), pointer :: value(:)
logical, optional :: status
end subroutine GetAsList
Internally, the TKeyword object stores a string.
If I try to use it in the following way (bellow), I get a compilation error: "There is no matching specific subroutine for this type bound generic subroutine call"
class(TKeyword), pointer :: key
class(*), pointer :: p(:)
allocate (integer::p(3))
!Code to read instantiate the TKeyword object
call key%GetValue(p, status)
select type (p)
type is (integer)
write (*,*) p
end select
If I remove the GetASScalar from the generic association and make it public, the following code works as expected:
class(TKeyword), pointer :: key
class(*), pointer :: p(:)
allocate (integer::p(3))
!Code to read instantiate the TKeyword object
call key%GetAsList(p, status)
select type (p)
type is (integer)
write (*,*) p
end select
When passing a scalar (integer, real, character, etc), the GetAsScalar routine is called without problems.
I would like to know why this is happening. What am I missing in this "generic thing" that makes the compiler unable to recognize my subroutine under the generic? There is a way to make this work? Would be something related with the routine signature?
I'm using Intel Fortran
Acoording to answers in the intel fortran forum (https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/537784#comment-1809520), this code should work and the compiler error is probably a small bug in the compiler.
An issue was escalated by Steve Lionel (Intel).