How to rollback cakePHP 3.2 to 3.0

一世执手 提交于 2019-12-12 01:37:42


I did my project in cakePHP 3.0. By updating the composer my project converted into cakePHP 3.2. I want to rollback from 3.2 to 3.0. I tried rollback options too,that is also not working. How to rollback 3.2 to 3.0 ?


The rollback command supporty by composer is for the composer itself, ie it rolls back your composer installation to an earlier version, not anything that might have been installed via composer.

To change the version of the cakephp/cakephp dependency, simply require the new version with a version constraint that doesn't match 3.1 and above, so in your case, if you want to switch back to the 3.0.x branch, you could just run

$ composer require cakephp/cakephp:"~3.0.0"

The ~3.0.0 constraint will match >= 3.0.0 && < 3.1.0. See Composer Docs > Versions for more information on version constraints supported by composer.

However, You may encounter conflicts with other dependencies like cakephp/debug_kit or cakephp/bake, which need to be solved manually, for example by downgrading or even temporarily removing them, as they may have been upgraded too and require a newer cakephp/cakephp version themselves!

