I have a LineSeries chart. By series.IsSelectionEnabled = true;
when I move the mouse over the points, I can select that node. But how can I do it when the mouse is not exactly over the point but when it's near it (above or under)? Thanks.
PS: One more thing. How can I change the color of the column when the mouse is over it so the user can tell which one of the columns he/she is going to select.
I have created the example of the chart with the single LineSeries
. You can click anywhere at the plot and the nearest point will be selected.
XAML (Change the ItemsSource
property and other properties to yours):
<Charting:Chart MouseLeftButtonDown="Chart_MouseLeftButtonDown">
<Charting:LineSeries IsSelectionEnabled="True" ItemsSource="..." ... />
private void Chart_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
var chart = sender as Chart;
//In my example the line series is the first item of the chart series
var line = (LineSeries)chart.Series[0];
//Find the nearest point on the LineSeries
var newPoint = e.GetPosition(line);
var selectIndex = this.FindNearestPointIndex(line.Points, newPoint);
if (selectIndex != null)
//Select a real item from the items source
var source = line.ItemsSource as IList;
line.SelectedItem = source[selectIndex.Value];
private int? FindNearestPointIndex(PointCollection points, Point newPoint)
if (points == null || !points.Any())
return null;
//c^2 = a^2+b^2
Func<Point, Point, double> getLength = (p1, p2) => Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p1.X - p2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(p1.Y - p2.Y, 2));
//Create the collection of points with more information
var items = points.Select((p,i) => new { Point = p, Length = getLength(p, newPoint), Index = i });
var minLength = items.Min(item => item.Length);
//Uncomment if it is necessary to have some kind of sensitive area
//if (minLength > 50)
// return null;
//The index of the point with min distance to the new point
return items.First(item => item.Length == minLength).Index;
As I said this chart will select the nearest point even if you click at a great distance away from any chart point. If it isn't intended behavior, you can uncomment these lines and set any number in pixels:
//Uncomment if it is necessary to have some kind of sensitive area
if (minLength > 50)
return null;
I have written comments, but if something isn't clear you can ask and I will explain.