I'm using this library to chain asynchronous functions in my nodejs app: https://github.com/yortus/asyncawait
var chain = async(function(){
var foo = await(bar());
var foo2 = await(bar2());
var foo3 = await(bar2());
So bar3 waits for bar2 to finish and bar2 waits for bar() to finish. That's fine. But what will I do in order to stop the async block from further execution? I mean something like this:
var chain = async(function(){
var foo = await(bar());
if(!foo){return false;} // if bar returned false, quit the async block
var foo2 = await(bar2());
var foo3 = await(bar2());
what's the best approach to handle this?
at the moment I throw an exception within bar and handle the exception in way:
chain().catch(function (err) { //handler, ie log message)
It's working, but it doesn't look right
I mean something like this …
asyncawait supports exactly this syntax. Just return
from the function:
var chain = async(function(){
var foo = await(bar());
if (!foo) return;
var foo2 = await(bar2());
var foo3 = await(bar2());