So, we are creating a game in VB.net based off the game, Farkle. Basically, you roll an amount of dice and depending on what you keep is your score. We have eight dice. Here's an example, say you roll 3 "3"s and you want to score them, a three of a kind. We want to check all the dice together to see if we do have three 3's. We have figured out the two of a kind, but the three of a kind we cannot.
For l = 0 To 5
For o = 1 To 6
For q = 2 To 7
If (DieScore(l) = DieScore(o) And DieScore(l) = DieScore(q)) Then
PlayerScore = 200 + PlayerScore
End If
This is our checking for three of a kind on the dice. If it is true we add 200 to the score. The DieScore(x) refer to the dice. Where are we going wrong?
You really just need to loop and count how many times that number of pips (spots) appears in the array.
Dim count As Integer = 0
For pips As Integer = 1 To 6
count = 0 ' reset count for each Pip iteration
For n As Integer = 0 To DieScore.Length - 1
' If operator version:
count += If(DieScore(n) = pips, 1, 0)
' If Statement version:
'If DieScore(n) = pips Then
' count += 1
'End If
' scoring
Select Case count
Case 2 ' pair
playerscore += 50
Case 3 ' trips
playerscore += 200
If pips = 6 Then
playerscore += 25 ' extra bonus for 666 (example)
End If
Case 4 ' quads
playerscore += 350
' etc
End Select
Not for nothing, but these kinds of logic issues are easy to find using the Debugger. Plus, you will learn a lot about how code executes.
For starters, please learn to use different, more descriptive variable names than l
and o
, that are easily confused with 1
and 0
. Some famous bugs have been caused by doing things like that.
One thing you can do is simply count how many dots or pips there are in a roll of the dice and store that in an array.
' index 0 = 1 spot, 5 = 6 spots.
Dim pipsCount(6) as Integer
' This counts the number of dice for each possible "pips"
For dieIndex as Integer = 0 To DieScore.Length - 1
' Increment (the -1 is because index starts at 0)
pipsCount(DieScore(dieIndex)-1) += 1
Now that you have the number of dice that landed headsup with a given number of pips, you can do a number of different things with that.
' You can easily find out now how many sixes were thrown:
Dim numberOfSixes As Integer = pipsCount(6-1)
' Or score pairs, trips, quads, ...
For pipsIndex As Integer = 0 To 5
Select Case pipsCount(pipsIndex)
Case 2
PlayerScore += 50
Case 3
PlayerScore += 200
' ... etc
End Select
' Or count the length of a straight
Dim straightLength As Integer = If(pipsCount(0) > 0, 1, 0)
Dim longestStraight As Integer = straightLength
For pipsIndex As Integer = 1 To 5
If pipsCount(pipsIndex) > 0 Then
straightLength += 1
Else ' straight ended
If straightLength > longestStraight Then
longestStraight = straightLength
End If
straightLength = 0
End If