How do I use a legacy javascript library as a scoped dependency of an Angular service?

不羁的心 提交于 2019-12-11 23:13:25


Specifically, I am working with an ~800 line SCORM API wrapper library that facilitates communication with an LMS. The author did not write it in Angular. A legacy, vanilla js file(index.js) has been wrapped over top of it I'm including a snippet of both to give an idea of the structure being used here.

SCORM = {                                           //Define the SCORM object
    version:    null,                               //Store SCORM version.
    handleCompletionStatus: true,                   //Whether or not the wrapper should automatically handle the initial completion status
    handleExitMode: true,                           //Whether or not the wrapper should automatically handle the exit mode
    API:        { handle: null,
                  isFound: false }                  //Create API child object

SCORM.API.get = function(){ //implementation};
SCORM.API.set = function(){ //implementation};

On top of this is a legacy javascript file that executes in global scope.


var scorm = SCORM;
var interval;
var channel;
function init(){
function get(params){
    var values;
    values = getFromLMS(params); 
    return values;
function set(param, value){
    return scorm.set(param, value);
    return callSucceeded;

I am writing a greenfield app in Angular, but I would like to leverage some existing external libraries in my architecture. I would really like to expose index.js' functionality as an Angular service without having to completely rewrite it.

If I were to give you the two javascript files mentioned above and a new services.js file that had the following structure

'use strict';

var learnerServices = angular.module('learnerServices', []);

learnerServices.factory('learner-service' [


how would you inject the "get" and "set" functions from index.js into the $scope of the learner-service?


Hopefully I interpreted your question correctly...

'use strict';
 var learnerServices = angular.module('learnerServices', []);

 learnerServices.factory('scormService' [
   function() {

    var scorm = SCORM;
    var interval;
    var channel;
    function init(){
    function get(params){
      var values;
      values = getFromLMS(params); 
      return values;
    function set(param, value){
      return scorm.set(param, value);
      return callSucceeded;

   return  {
     scorm: scorm,
     interval: interval,
     channel: channel,
     init: init,
     get: get,
     set: set

learnerServices.factory('learnerService' ['scormService'
    scormService.get('some param');


