Migrating to Gulp 4 I encountered serious issues: no reaction to changes when using gulp.watch or gulp-watch.
import gulp from 'gulp';
// import {get as browserSync} from 'browser-sync';
import watch from 'gulp-watch';
// const bs = browserSync('server');
var bSync = require('browser-sync').create();
gulp.task('browser-sync', function() {
server: {
baseDir: "../"
notify: true
gulp.task('watch', gulp.parallel('browser-sync', ()=> {
global.watch = true;
gulp.watch('app/{styles,blocks}/**/*.+(less|styl)', gulp.series('styles', 'styles:lint', bSync.reload('styles/app-min.css')));
gulp.watch(['app/+(images|fonts)/**/*', 'app/*.html'], gulp.parallel('copy', bSync.reload)); // or watch( instead of gulp.watch(
and code for scripts:
import gulp from 'gulp';
import errorHandler from 'gulp-plumber-error-handler';
import makeWebpackConfig from '../webpack.conf.js';
import webpack from 'webpack';
const {NODE_ENV, NOTIFY} = process.env;
const isDebug = NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const scriptsErrorHandler = errorHandler('Error in \'scripts\' task');
function runWebpack(watch = false) {
return function (callback) {
const webpackConfig = makeWebpackConfig({
debug: isDebug,
sourcemaps: isDebug,
notify: NOTIFY
return webpack(webpackConfig, (error, stats) => {
const jsonStats = stats.toJson();
if (jsonStats.errors.length) {
jsonStats.errors.forEach(message => {
scriptsErrorHandler.call({emit() {}}, {message});
if (watch === false) callback();
gulp.task('watch', runWebpack(false));
gulp.task('scripts:watch', runWebpack(true));
My tasks are located inside the tasks folder. And to load tasks, the default task uses the gulp-hub module:
var HubRegistry = require('gulp-hub');
gulp.registry(new HubRegistry(['*.js']));
Where is the problem here ?
sorry i didn't respond sooner.
I'm still getting used to working in Gulp 4 but the issues I've encountered have always been related to not providing a callback. I'm not sure if it's best-practice but when in doubt, I just threw a callback into every single gulp task. For starters, I would try doing that -- adding an empty callback in 'watch' and 'browser-sync'. Additionally, I would change the second argument in the gulp.task('watch'...) to be series and not parallel, since functions in watch depend on 'browser-sync'.
Let me know if those get you anywhere -- sorry I can't be of more help.