Mixed transports in NServiceBus 4.0

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-11 19:20:10


I'm currently working on a project that combines Java and .NET systems. The communication between the two is from Java over ActiveMQ to .NET MSMQ using BizTalk as a translator.

I was wondering if we could cut out BizTalk when using NServiceBus 4.0 and use 2 different transport types in 1 NServiceBus instance. Incoming events should be picked up from ActiveMQ and published using MSMQ.

The NServiceBus instance in this case is self-hosted within a WCF service on IIS and injected into the business logic using a Unity container.

Is this going to be possible or do I need to stick to 1 transport type per instance/host?


With version 4.0 of NServiceBus, you can use ActiveMQ on both sides cutting out both BizTalk and MSMQ.


You could have a regular NSB endpoint listening to ActiveMQ and have it call Bus.SendToSites where you configure the message to go out over MSMQ to your regular endpoints.


We solved the issue by using a satellite in NServiceBus that uses Apache.NMS and Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ to consume an existing ActiveMQ queue and create a new message that we put on the bus. Using NServiceBus 4.0 default MSMQ transport and not mixing transports to consume the non-NServiceBus managed ActiveMQ.


There is one transport per endpoint. As long as it is one way, you can expose your NSB endpoint as a web service.

