Situation: I have a bunch of variable products in a Wordpress WooCommerce shop. On the frontend there is a form with multiple select inputs, that let the user configure the product before adding it to the cart. The price and other information will change across the possible variations, so I need to keep track of that.
Aim: After the form has been changed by the user, Woocommerce will update a hidden field input.variation_id
with the ID of the newly selected variation. Whenever that changes, I want to know that.
Apparently, there is something that keeps track of changes, which works fine:
$( ".variations_form" ).on( "woocommerce_variation_select_change", function () {
console.log('form has changed'); // fires correctly
} );
I am also able to read the value of that hidden field, before it was changed:
var id = $('input.variation_id').val();
console.log( id ); // returns correct value
Problem: But when I try to call the value inside that function, I won't work.
$( ".variations_form" ).on( "woocommerce_variation_select_change", function () {
var id = $('input.variation_id').val();
console.log( id ); // fires, but returns empty
} );
I’ve tried everything that came to my mind. If I type it directly into the browser console it works, but when I try to fetch it with the function above it is empty. What can I do?
I previously worked with $('form.variations_form select').change(...);
but it will mess up the variations and I want to make sure, that Woocommerce has updated all the information before I perform my action.
For the variation ID in Javascript/jQuery on single variable product pages see the following very explicit example that will allow you to get the currently selected variation:
var i = 'input.variation_id', f = 'form.variations_form', s = 'table.variations select';
// ----- ON start (once DOM is loaded) ------ //
// The variation ID - BEFORE
console.log( 'Variation id (on start): '+$(i).val() );
// Get the default selected variation ID - AFTER (if set on the variable product | delay 300 ms)
setTimeout( function(){
console.log( 'Default Variation id (on start +300ms): '+$(i).val() );
}, 300 );
// ---------------- Live events ------------- //
// form on "change" delegated event - BEFORE
$(f).on( 'change', s, function(){
console.log('form select "CHANGE" event (variation id: '+$(i).val()+')');
// form on "blur" delegated event - AFTER
$(f).on( 'blur', s, function(){
console.log('form select "BLUR" event (variation id: '+$(i).val()+')');
So for dropdown select fields use the
event to get the current variation ID
I maybe have found the answer:
seems just like a notifier whereas the desired action can be done with:
$( ".single_variation_wrap" ).on( "show_variation", function ( event, variation ) {
console.log( variation ); // fires correctly and returns a Woocommerce product object
} );
Found here: https://sarathlal.com/get-variation-product-data-on-selecting-variation-options-woocommerce/