I am trying to get this spec to pass:
it "queues up AbsenteeReservationEmailerJob" do
ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test
expect { subject }.to enqueue_job(AbsenteeReservationEmailerJob)
My factory looks like so:
FactoryBot.define do
factory :absentee_reservation do
amount_cents { 10_000 + rand(1_000_000) }
creator { create(:user) }
before(:create) do |absentee_reservation|
auction = create(:auction_with_one_item_one_bidder)
item = auction.items.first
absentee_reservation.auction = auction
absentee_reservation.bidder = auction.bidders.first
absentee_reservation.lot = item.current_lot
absentee_reservation.item = item
As you can see, I am expecting that the AbsenteeReservationEmailerJob
be enqueued, and it is. However, another parent factory (:auction_with_one_item_one_bidder
) is creating a user which is sparking my MailchimpSubscribeUserJob
and I am getting the following failure:
1) AbsenteeReservation#absentee_reservation_email queues up AbsenteeReservationEmailerJob
Failure/Error: expect { subject }.to enqueue_job(AbsenteeReservationEmailerJob)
expected to enqueue exactly 1 jobs, but enqueued 2
Queued jobs:
MailchimpSubscribeUserJob job with [{:user=>#<User id: 496, email: "jewellhackett@west.co", created_at: "2019-01-25 18:01:37", updated_at: "2019-01-25 18:01:37", title: nil, company: nil, salutation: "Miss", first_name: "Randell", last_name: "Rohan", roles: 0, lha_id: nil, notes: nil, tax_exempt: false, tax_id: nil, tax_id_expires_at: nil, email_opt_in: true, rep_id: nil, account_executive_id: nil, rfc_data: nil>}], on queue default
MailchimpSubscribeUserJob job with [{:user=>#<User id: 497, email: "aureagerhold@bahringerschaden.org", created_at: "2019-01-25 18:01:37", updated_at: "2019-01-25 18:01:37", title: nil, company: nil, salutation: "Miss", first_name: "Erica", last_name: "Fadel", roles: 0, lha_id: nil, notes: nil, tax_exempt: false, tax_id: nil, tax_id_expires_at: nil, email_opt_in: true, rep_id: nil, account_executive_id: nil, rfc_data: nil>}], on queue default
Can/should I expect only one type of job be enqueued, the AbsenteeReservationEmailerJob
? If so, then please feel free to see my other question: Can you expect only one type of job to be enqueued in Rspec?
PS: I've also looked at Skip callbacks on Factory Girl and Rspec and User.skip_callback(:create)
seems to be ignored if I put it in a before block before the spec, or in the before block in the :absentee_reservation