i need to know how i can add entity on position cursor using aFrame
on click i want to add entity far from camera 2 meter away or something like that
or i need to know how can i get position on click event (x,y,z)
but the problem here i what to add entity on 360 photo and i using a-sky tag and i tried to get position using js but i Failed it's working on entity only
this.el.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
console.log('I was clicked at: ', evt.detail.intersection.point);
for Example see this photo
The sky is very far away so the raycaster won't reach (default far
value is 1000`).
You could do something like:
<a-entity id="clickPosition" position="0 0 -100"></a-entity>
And then you can get the position to add entity via: