I pushed a db as simple as, using python, pymongo and mnogodb, the db is mae of many files like the sample below:
def pushdata():
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
with open( directory + filename , 'r') as f:
datastore = json.load(f)
m = data.insert_one(datastore)
My jsons loook like that
"info": {
"S1": {
"SS": "1221"
"S2": {
"SDS011": "5121"
"OP": "157.138",
"LK": "32121",
"MN": "122.077"
"readings": [
"SS1": "7.80",
"SS2": "1.80",
"timestamp": "1530857160"
"SS1": "9.67",
"SS2": "2.53",
"timestamp": "1530857520"
how can i query the data? When i try
print(data.find_one({'$and':[{ "readings.SS1": "7.80"},
{"readings.SS2": "1.80"}]}))
in python
print(data.find_one( "readings.SS1": "7.80"}))
in mongodb
I always get the whole Database file not the specific dictionary from the list? Why does it happen? I want query response like that:
"SS1": "7.80",
"SS2": "1.80",
"timestamp": "1530857160"
also for the info dictionary, how to make a query where let say 'OP'=157.138 and 15500000< timestamp < 15000000 , response:
"SS1": "7.80",
"SS2": "1.80",
"timestamp": "15100000"
"SS1": "7.80",
"SS2": "1.80",
"timestamp": "15300000"
"SS1": "7.80",
"SS2": "1.80",
"timestamp": "15500000"
You can use an aggregation like below:
{$unwind: "$readings"},
{$match: {"readings.SS1": "7.80"}},
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$readings"}}])
Which returns:
"SS1": "7.80",
"SS2": "1.80",
"timestamp": "1530857160"