Plotly Express hovermode with arbitrary column

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-11 17:13:52


I see that the hovermode attribute in layout has options for x or y, but is it possible to use an arbitrary dataframe column? instead?

For example, I'm plotting precision-recall curves. The x-axis is recall, and the y-axis is precision. The independent variable is a detection threshold value (with range of np.linspace(0,1.0,101)) with a column in my dataframe called threshold. When I hover over a precision-recall point, what I'm interested in is points on other curves with the same detection threshold value. So can I instead hover on this column?


No, there’s no feature for that at the moment. You could consider a second set of “iso-threshold” curves to see this kind of thing perhaps?

