My problem is that my returning json is not the expecting one based on the limit that I have given to my paginator.
For example, when I am giving the limit 11 to define the number of my returning results per page, after the request the paginator returns only 10.
This happens when I am requesting records above 10. Below 10 the json result is right.
my view
class ProductSerialNumbersListJSon(LoginRequiredMixin,BaseDatatableView):
# my model
model = ProductSerialNumbers
columns = ['snumber' , 'order_id','product','registration_date']
order_columns = ['snumber','order_id','product','registration_date']
paginate_by = 11
def get_initial_queryset(self):
#fetch the query list from db
query_list=ProductSerialNumbers.objects.filter(Q(snumber__isnull=True)|Q(order_id__isnull=True)|Q (order_id__finished=0)).order_by("id")
#declare the Paginator
paginator = Paginator(query_list,self.paginate_by) # 11 items per page
#getting the page number from the kwargs of the url
result = paginator.page(page)
except PageNotAnInteger:
result = paginator.page(1)
except EmptyPage:
result = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
product_serials = result.object_list.all().values_list('pk', flat=True)
return ProductSerialNumbers.objects.filter(pk__in=list(product_serials))
my json result
{"recordsTotal": 11, "recordsFiltered": 11, "draw": 0, "data": [["3", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["55", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["56", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["57", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["58", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["59", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["60", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["61", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["62", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"], ["63", "", "test_proion", "2019-01-16"]], "result": "ok"}
Despite the fact that the recordsTotal and the recordsFiltered variable are returning both 11, the actual json returns 10 records.
Why this happening;