I am using two methods,fft and lomb-scargle, to find periods for a timing sequence points.
However the fundamental frequency changes much even for the same dataset.
I can get the right result only when I fine tune the sampling rate.<>br/
How to choose the parameters of the two methods to get a consistent fundamental frequency.
How to know the result is reliable?
The recent "Understanding the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram - Jacob T. VanderPlas" that you can find on This link to arxiv is a very good reference on how to chose the right set of parameters and how to test if your results are reliable.
Fundamental pitch frequency can be very different from FFT magnitude peak. Pitch is a psycho-acoustic phenomena, and thus usually requires a different pitch detection/estimation method than just peak frequency estimation (Instead, try YAAPT, RAPT, cepstral/cepstrum, HPS, correlation lag estimators, & etc.)