I was following the instructions at http://turnkeye.com/blog/magento-upgrade-guide/ when i was up to the command
./pear upgrade -f magento-core/Mage_All_Latest-stable
and am getting the error
WARNING: channel "connect.magentocommerce.com/core" has updated its protocols, use "channel-update connect.magentocommerce.com/core" to update
I have searched the web and can't find anything that refers to this.
I have tried
./pear upgrade -f channel-update connect.magentocommerce.com/core
but that does not work.
Can anyone help please?
Just had this problem, you need to run:
./pear channel-update connect.magentocommerce.com/core
after that completes you should now be able to run:
./pear upgrade -f magento-core/Mage_All_Latest-stable
What is wrong with giving it a go using the GUI - Magento Connect Manager in Admin->System?
Assuming you have everything backed up, you can also zap public_html and reinstall 1.4 - makes no odds doing it that way as you will have lots to update including your theme, with reinstall you will keep your products, customers and orders.