I'm brand new to automation, and pretty new to Powershell as well, so I'm hoping this is a simple fix. :)
I'm trying to get some code to run. And for all I know, it does run, but the test pane doesn't show anything. Based on this thread: Azure powershell runbook don't show any output, I did try republishing the code and clearing my browser cache, but that didn't help in my case, so I'm thinking there's an issue with the code?
Here's my (genericized) code):
workflow DB_DailyTasks
Write-Output "Code starting"
[string] $SqlServerName = "myDb.database.windows.net"
$Credential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "myDatabase-automation"
# Setup credentials
$ServerName = $Using:SqlServerName
$UserId = $Using:Credential.UserName
$Password = ($Using:Credential).GetNetworkCredential().Password
# Execute the udp_myProc procedure
# Create connection for each individual database
$DatabaseConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$DatabaseCommand = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Write-Output "ConnectionState is: $(DatabaseConnection.State)"
$DbName = "myDb"
# Setup connection string for $DbName
$DatabaseConnection.ConnectionString = "Server=$ServerName; Database=$DbName; User ID=$UserId; Password=$Password;"
Write-Output "ConnectionState is: $(DatabaseConnection.State)"
# Create command for a specific database $DBName
$DatabaseCommand.Connection = $DatabaseConnection
Write-Output "Running udp_myProc procedure"
$DatabaseCommand.CommandText = "EXECUTE [dbo].[udp_myProc]"
$NonQueryResult = $DatabaseCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
# Close connection to $DbName
...and here's what I see in the test pane when I try to test:
...which isn't terribly helpful in knowing whether it actually ran.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide! :)
[Edit] The code is definitely not running. The stored procedure inserts an entry into a history table, and there's no record of it running either for the tests or for when I ran the published output.
Interesting note, though - when I ran the published output, there were no errors and no warnings, but it did say, "This job does not have any output" in the Output tab.
[Edit #2]: It doesn't write anything on my local computer either??
[Edit #3]: Replaced Write-Output with Write-Host inside the inlinescript block. No change, either on Azure admin console or on my local computer.
My guess is that you created a PowerShell runbook, not a PowerShell Workflow runbook. If this is correct, then your runbook code declares a workflow called DB_DailyTasks, but never invokes it. For example, you could declare a function, but would not expect it to be automatically invoked because of that.
Unless you are certain that you need a workflow, not a regular PowersShell runbook, I would recommend removing workflow
and InlineScript
from your code, and deal with regular PowerShell.
However, if you really need it to be a workflow (not recommended unless you have to use checkpoints and things like parallel
and foreach -parallel
), then create a runbook of the "PowerShell Workflow" type: it treats the workflow
keyword differently, so your code would be correct.