I am writing a Grails app and would like to use the Grails Standalone App Runner that packages your Grails app into a fat JAR with an embedded Tomcat container.
I would like to configure logging for the embedded Tomcat container will use to store and read SSL certs from. I want to specify log levels for different catalina components, and also replace log4j with logback using SyslogAppender
How/where do I make such configurations? Is this documented anywhere?
If you want to replace log4j with logback, you can use Logback Plugin.
You need to add following lines in your BuildConfig.groovy.
dependencies {
compile 'org.grails.plugins:logback:0.3.1'
You also need to exclude grails log4j plugin.
inherits('global') {
excludes 'grails-plugin-log4j', 'log4j'
You also need to run
grails clean
to remove compiled files.
You can find more about the plugin here.