I need to separate the authentication phase from Google's Api creation, but it's very difficult (for me) to make it possible.
This is very important because I am creating a REST API that should receive the authorization tokens previously acquired and not the credentials directly from its users for security reasons, because with tokens I can set a lifetime limit as specified in RFC 6750.
I have the following code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Reads the JSON credential file provided by Google
String jsonContent = readJson(args[1]);
// Pass the credential content
GoogleComputeEngineApi googleApi =
public static GoogleComputeEngineApi createApi(final String jsonCredentialContent) {
try {
Supplier<Credentials> credentialSupplier = new GoogleCredentialsFromJson(
ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder
Credentials credentials = credentialSupplier.get();
ContextBuilder contextBuilder = ContextBuilder
.credentials(credentials.identity, credentials.credential);
Injector injector = contextBuilder.buildInjector();
return injector.getInstance(GoogleComputeEngineApi.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Below is a fake code with my needs:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String jsonCredentialContent = readJson(args[1]);
String oauthToken = "";
// First acquires the OAuth token
if(getAuthenticationType("google-compute-engine").equals("oauth")) {
oauthToken = getTokenForOAuth(jsonCredentialContent);
// Creates the Api with the previously acquired token
GoogleComputeEngineApi googleApi =
You can directly use the jclouds OAuth API to get the bearer token, as follows:
GoogleCredentialsFromJson credentials = new GoogleCredentialsFromJson(jsoncreds);
AuthorizationApi oauth = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("google-compute-engine")
try {
long nowInSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
Claims claims = Claims.create(
credentials.get().identity, // issuer
"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute", // write scope
"https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token", // audience
nowInSeconds + 60, // token expiration (seconds)
nowInSeconds // current time (secods)
Token token = oauth.authorize(claims);
} finally {
Once you have the Bearer access token you can create the jclouds context with it as follows:
// Override GCE default Oauth flow (JWT) by the Bearer token flow
Properties overrides = new Properties();
overrides.put(OAuthProperties.CREDENTIAL_TYPE, CredentialType.BEARER_TOKEN_CREDENTIALS.toString());
// It is important to set the proper identity too, as it is used to resolve the GCE project
ComputeServiceContext ctx = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("google-compute-engine")
.credentials(credentials.get().identity, token.accessToken())
GoogleComputeEngineApi google = ctx.unwrapApi(GoogleComputeEngineApi.class);