Can anyone confirm if coffee-bytes works with eclipse oxygen?

寵の児 提交于 2019-12-11 15:04:07


The most recent version anyone has mentioned using coffee-bytes with is Eclipse Neon. Has anyone used this code-folding plugin on Eclipse Oxygen?

In my efforts:

  • I installed coffee bytes from this link:
  • the installation finished without any red-flags.
  • under Window>Preferences>Java>Editor>Folding, I have selected Coffee Bytes Java Folding.
  • Under the General tab I have User Defined Regions Enabled
  • Under the User Defined Regions tab, I created a user defined folding region with
    • Start Identifier: {{
    • End Identifier: }}
  • I wrapped my code blocks as follows:
    • // {{
    • MyCode();
    • // }}

To my dismay, No folding buttons appear! Is it possible that my syntax is incorrect, or is this plugin functionality unavailable on this version?

  • Edit : If anyone has any recommendations for plugins that enable user-defined regions that work with Eclipse Oxygen, I'll add you to my whitelist for when I take over the world. Cheers.


I am using the plugin with success! Installed the same way as described in the question.

  • Eclipse 4.7.2
  • Coffee Bytes 1.0.5.a

For your folding button problem try to change Icon Theme Set under Advanced tab.


I can at least confirm that when you download com.cb.eclipse.folding_1.0.7.jar manually and combine it with that this will work.

I had problems with getting the plugin to show up in the settings, but once they show up coffee byte plugin works very well.

//{{ and //}} works for me, though I usually use region and endregion instead ;-)

