I try to create generic func
func importArray<T: ImportableUniqueObject>(from exercisesDict: [[String: Any]], transaction: BaseDataTransaction) -> [T] {
if let managedObject = try? transaction.fetchOne(From<T>()){
let managedObjects = try! transaction.importUniqueObjects(
sourceArray: jsonObjects)
return managedObjects
So first part works good:
if let managedObject = try? transaction.fetchOne(From<T>()){
,but second does not work:
let managedObjects = try! transaction.importUniqueObjects(
sourceArray: jsonObjects)
Compiler says
Cannot convert value of type 'Into<T>' to expected argument type 'Into<_>'
This is how func is constructed:
public func importUniqueObjects<D: ImportableUniqueObject, S: Sequence>(
_ into: Into<D>,
sourceArray: S,
preProcess: @escaping (_ mapping: [D.UniqueIDType: D.ImportSource]) throws -> [D.UniqueIDType: D.ImportSource] = { $0 }) throws -> [D] where S.Iterator.Element == D.ImportSource {
That's a compiler bug. Had the same issue when Xcode 10 came out. Adapt your method to the following:
func importArray<T: ImportableUniqueObject>(from exercisesDict: [[String: Any]], transaction: BaseDataTransaction) -> [T] where T.ImportSource == [String: Any] {
let managedObjects = try? transaction.importUniqueObjects(Into<T>(), sourceArray: jsonObjects)
Though I recommend do not do force-try when importing.
Also see: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-8945