For some reason when i run my Spring application from intellij some task is not being executed because of which my stub server responds with a error.So i tried to start it through a pre-written go script in my project and it worked. But now attaching debugger becomes a problem because i have started my application from terminal.
I tried doing a remote debug by setting a remote configuration in intellij and setting the port as 8000 but i keep getting the error "Connection refused"
Below is the remote configuration screenshot: Remote config screenshot
Is this the correct approach to attach debugger for an app started through terminal?
Command to start in debug mode:
gradle bootRun
The alternative and easier way is opening the Run anything
window (ctrl/command + shift + A) and then searching for attach debugger
action. IntelliJ will try to find any processes that have debugger attached, and will display a list from which you can choose which process to attach to.
Provided that you get java.lang.module.FindException
, you might also try to run gradle bootJar
and then run the generated jar (in build/libs
directory) file by
java "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:8080" --add-exports java.base/jdk.hotspot.agent=ALL-UNNAMED -jar my_jar.jar
Please also note that finding a way to tell gradle to run your jar (in bootRun task) correctly is the more correct way.