I have already been searched solution and can't get the right solution yet.
ObjDRow = DataDataSet.Client.Rows.Find(strClientNo)
With ObjDRow
.ClientName = txtClientName.Text.Trim
.ClientAddr = txtAddr.Text.Trim
If txtRegOffice.Text = "" Then
.ClientRegOfficeAddr = txtAddr.Text.Trim
.ClientRegOfficeAddr = txtRegOffice.Text.Trim
End If
.MailtoCorresAddr = RBtnCorresAddr.Checked
.MailtoRegOffice = RBtnRegOffice.Checked
.ClientHPhone = mskHandPhone.Text.Trim
.ClientPager = mskPagerNo.Text.Trim
.ClientTel = mskTelephone.Text.Trim
.ClientFaxNo = mskFax.Text.Trim
.ClientEmail = txtEmail.Text.Trim
.PrimaryPartner = txtPriPartner.Text.Trim
.SecondPartner = txtSecPartner.Text.Trim
.BroughtInBy = cboPreferredBy.Text.Trim
.PersonIncharge = cboPersonIncharge.Text.Trim
.GLAC = cboGLAcode.Text.Trim
.ContactPerson = txtContactPerson.Text.Trim
.AcraNo = txtAcraNo.Text.Trim
.Active = chkActive.Checked
If dtpfyear.Checked = True Then
.YearEnd = dtpfyear.Text
End If
.DeptNo = cboDeptNo.Text.Trim
.DateJoined = dtDateJoined.Value
If cboClientName.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
.Group = txtClientNo.Text
.Group = cboClientName.SelectedValue
End If
.GroupStatus = RButtonMainYes.Checked
.MainGroup = RButtonSubYes.Checked
If IsDate(dtIncorporationDate.Text) Then
.DateOfIncorporation = dtIncorporationDate.Text
End If
End With
Error is occurs when ClientTableAdapter Update.
This error occurs for some client only.
I already check datatype of database and table adapter's datatype and all datatype are same.
My input value datatype and table adapter's datatype are same.
This error occurs even I command all line of update code (.ClientName to last line) but this error still occurs.WTF
Most answers say this is a single quote problem but In my case, There is no single quote.
All data types are same and input values are the same with datatype
** Updated**
This error still occurs even I do like=>
ObjDRow = DataDataSet.Client.Rows.Find(strClientNo)
There is nothing change just select and update.
But if I remove ObjDRow.EndEdit()
.All are fine. There is no error.