I am writing a program using tess4j.jar. The program is extracting text and its location from within an image. I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Invalid memory access
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIRecognize(Native Method)
at TesseractUtility.TessBoxForLogo.run(TessBoxForLogo.java:50)
The funny thing is that it does not appear for every image. Does anybody know where I have an error?
Here my code:
public static ArrayList<Info> run(String imageName, List<String[]> wordsToFind){
int WayToGetInfo = TessAPI1.TessPageIteratorLevel.RIL_TEXTLINE;
wordsToFind = ParsData.addAnomalie(wordsToFind);
//Prepare lists
ArrayList<Info> infos = new ArrayList<Info>();
ArrayList<Rect> rectangles = new ArrayList<Rect>();
//Buff image
File imageFile = new File(imageName);
BufferedImage image = null;
ByteBuffer buf = null;
int w = 0;
int h = 0;
try {
image = ImageIO.read(new FileInputStream(imageFile));
w = image.getWidth();
h = image.getHeight();
buf = ImageIOHelper.convertImageData(image);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
//Get image dimensions
int bpp = image.getColorModel().getPixelSize();
int bytespp = bpp / 8;
int bytespl = (int) Math.ceil(w * bytespp);
//Tess4 preparation
TessBaseAPI handler = TessAPI1.TessBaseAPICreate();
String treiningDataPath = "C:\\Users\\Karmen\\Documents\\Bitbucket\\Podjetje\\lib\\Tess4J\\tessdata";
String lang = "slv";
TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIInit3(handler, treiningDataPath, lang);
TessAPI1.TessBaseAPISetPageSegMode(handler, TessAPI1.TessPageSegMode.PSM_AUTO_ONLY);
TessAPI1.TessBaseAPISetImage(handler, buf, w, h, bytespp, bytespl);
TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIRecognize(handler, null);
TessResultIterator ri = TessAPI1.TessBaseAPIGetIterator(handler);
Pointer str = TessAPI1.TessResultIteratorGetUTF8Text(ri, WayToGetInfo);
TessAPI1.TessPageIterator pi = TessAPI1.TessResultIteratorGetPageIterator(ri);
//Iterate thru rows
while (TessAPI1.TessPageIteratorNext(pi,WayToGetInfo) == TessAPI1.TRUE){
str = TessAPI1.TessResultIteratorGetUTF8Text(ri, WayToGetInfo);
if (str!=null){
float confidence = TessAPI1.TessResultIteratorConfidence(ri, WayToGetInfo);
String word = str.getString(0);
IntBuffer leftB = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
IntBuffer topB = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
IntBuffer rightB = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
IntBuffer bottomB = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
TessAPI1.TessPageIteratorBoundingBox(pi, WayToGetInfo, leftB, topB, rightB, bottomB);
int left = leftB.get();
int top = topB.get();
int right = rightB.get();
int bottom = bottomB.get();
Rect rectangle1 = new Rect((int) (left-0.05*left),
(int) (top-0.05*top),
(int) ((right+0.05*right)-(left-0.05*left)),
(int) ((bottom+0.5*bottom)-(top-0.05*top)));
String kword = "";
for (String[] s:wordsToFind){
if (word.toLowerCase().contains(s[1].toLowerCase())
Rect rect = new Rect(left, top, right-left,bottom-top);
infos.add(copmare(word, s, rect, confidence));
kword = s[0];
draw(imageName, rectangles);
return infos;
Convert your image to gray scale before running through tesseract
That exception is usually due to Tesseract being unable to find tessdata
folder. The datapath should be set to the parent of that folder.
String treiningDataPath = "C:\\Users\\Karmen\\Documents\\Bitbucket\\Podjetje\\lib\\Tess4J\\";