Use batch file to copy first 6 lines to a new txt file

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-11 13:14:32


I have tried a dozen different ways and cannot get it right.

I have many text files in different folders, so I would like to reference the input file as a variable eg: *.txt (just use whatever txt file is in the same folder as the bat file).

I need to copy the first 6 lines and paste them into a new txt file.
I would like to name it (but not essential) SAMPLE_original_txt_file_name


Input = text01.txt
Output = SAMPLE_text01.txt (this would contain the first 6 complete lines from text01.txt)

I would appreciate any help as my head now needs stitches from banging it too much against a wall...


The following worked for me:

IF "%~1" == "" (ECHO Usage: %~nx0 filemask& GOTO :EOF)
FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR /B %1') DO (
  <"%%I" (
    FOR /L %%I IN (1,1,6) DO (
      SET line=
      SET /P line=
      SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
  ) >"%%~dpISAMPLE_%%~nxI"

The above script expects an argument, which is a file mask, like *.txt. It also supports masks completed with (existing) paths. Whether the path is specified or not, the output sample files are created in the same directory as the original ones.


@echo off
set count=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (text01.txt) do (
call :counter %%i
goto :eof
rem echo count is %count%
set /a count+=1
if %count% lss 7 echo %* >> SAMPLE_text01.txt
GOTO :eof

