i am trying to make vertical axis labeled in indian ١،٢،٣ and plotted in Indian too , however it seems it has no meaning for computer , since there is no native encoding for arabic number , however in terms of english 0,1,2,3... you can do calculations no problem in that , the problem i must to show indian-arabic values
this line chart is done by google Visualization api , the last version 46.0 , and the lang is ar however the result is not as i aimed for , the vaxis should be in ١،٢،٣ and the plotted values
(This is a slightly modified answer to the duplicate question posted at stackoverflow.com/questions/46423807. Martijn Pieters, if you are paying attention, please delete that question instead of this one.)
There is a solution, but you'll have to use an undocumented feature, which will be documented at some point. You'll need to make this call sometime before you draw your chart.
This works with material charts prior to v46, and also in classic charts starting with v46. See this example: https://jsfiddle.net/dlaliberte/6k8vdgz7/
You may see some problems depending on what formatting options you also specify.