I'm working on eclipse with Scala 2.9.3 plugin installed.
I have a Scala project which work fine from the eclipse but when I export the project to "Runnable JAR File" and I try to run it I'm getting the following exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/ScalaObject
I tried all the 3 Library handling options:
- Extract required libraries...
- Package required libraries...
- Copy required libraries...
All end up in the same exception.
What I need to do in order to make a standalone JAR file from my project?
I've used sbt-assembly plugin in the past, I found it quite easy to use.
If you are using SBT for maintaining & building your project, then like pedrofurla
suggested you should try sbt-assembly plugin. In the simplest case just add the follwing to your project build (i prefer Build.scala
, but in *.sbt
it looks the same):
1) imports:
import sbtassembly.Plugin._
import AssemblyKeys._
2) settings:
mainClass in assembly := Some("path.to.MainClass")
jarName in assembly := "jar-name.jar"
3) If you want to publish artifact:
artifact in (Compile, assembly) ~= { art =>
art.copy(`classifier` = Some("assembly"))
} // add classifier
and then your publishing task:
lazy val publishingSettings = addArtifact(artifact in (Compile, assembly), assembly) ++ Seq(
publishTo := /* your repository settings */
The call assembly
to get all-in-one jar-file or publish to publish it to your repo. That should work