Derby authentication error from Glassfish console but same credentials work from ij

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-11 11:58:44


I am trying, for the first time, to run a java EE 7 web app without an IDE and struggling through the learning curve. To keep things simple I have started with Glassfish 4.1 and Derby which is what I used for development.

My current problem is an error configuring the connection pool on the Glassfish web interface. The error is 'Connection authentication failure occurred. Reason: Userid or password invalid'. However I have ij runing in a dos prompt and the Glashfish web console in Chrome.

from ij I can type 'connect 'jdbc:derby:localhost:1527/databasename;user=username;password=password'; and I connect fine and can look at tables, etc. In the Glassfish web console I have name/value pairs with the same 'user' and 'password' values and it fails (exact same letters & case). I've tried changing the 'databaseName' property to make sure the error wasn't misleading and confirmed it has found the database correctly.

At face value, the error message seems wrong as I have proven from the DOS window. I am sure I am doing something wrong but am lost at how to diagnose it. Any suggestions?

More details of the steps taken: (Although I am sure some of these steps superceed others my lack of success has me in the mindset that redundancy is better than omission - all-in-all it seems much more complicated than it needs to be for a basic setup). My target is Wildfly but Glassfish documentation is better so I figured I would start there.

  1. relevant Windows environment variables:

    JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40
    GLASSFISH=C:\Program Files\Java\GlassFish-4.1
    WILDFLY_HOME=C:\program files\java\wildfly\8.2.0.Final
  2. sysinfo shows all the right paths and versions

  3. Copied many of the derby jars from %derby_home%\lib to %glassfish%\glassfish\domains\domain1\lib\ext per a post by BalusC. I think classpath duplicates this it but can't hurt
  4. Started Domain 'asadmin start-domain' defaulting to domain 1
  5. Started DB by changing directories and using java. Wanted to use 'asadmin start-database --dbhome DB path' but this always started the wrong version. Glassfish and JDK both package derby/javadb and I couldn't figure out how to upgrade Glassfish or start the correct version any other way

    cd \users\john\.netbeans-derby (root of the DB created by Netbeans)
    Java –jar “%derby_home%\lib\derbyrun.jar" server start
  6. connect browser to 'localhost:4848' to create JDBC connection pool and resource

connection pool: pool name=connectionPool, resource type=javax.sql.DataSource, DB driver Vendor=Derby, introspect was not enabled (found very little documentation to explain what it is) - step 2 was left as defaults editing connectionPool - enabled Ping on General tab to identify errors, Additional Properties tab: changed User to DB username, left other attributes as default, added... password=db password, databaseName=ClubScoring errors were presented along the way which prompted setting each attribute. No error was presented for lack of URL but tested steps below with and without URL=jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/ClubScoring

jdbc resources. Added jdbc/ClubScoring, pool=connectionPool => selected and enabled

  1. starting db from correct directory using 'asadmin start-database' does let the application find the correct DB but it crashes since the DB was created with version and this command starts the Glassfish version of

Sorry for making this so long but I haven't found anywhere that lays out all of the steps in a simple fashion and figured the details would save time in the long run.

