How to use jQuery.when() with an array of URLs?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-11 11:56:39


How would i have to change this example

   $.getScript( "/mypath/myscript1.js" ),
   $.getScript( "/mypath/myscript2.js" ),
   $.getScript( "/mypath/myscript3.js" ),
   $.Deferred(function( deferred ){
      $( deferred.resolve );
).done(function() {
   //place your code here, the scripts are all loaded

when i don't know the exact number of scripts to load and use an array of URLs instead?

var urls = [

As the above example is a function call with arguments I cannot utilize a loop like $.each(), can I? Also, I know about Function.apply, but don't know how to adapt from passing an array of simple arguments to a function to passing an array of function calls to a function.


You'd use .apply and then get it with arguments:

var urls = [

var requests ={ return $.getScript(url); });
$.when.apply($, requests).then(function(){
    console.log(arguments); // logs all results, arguments is the results here
    return [];
     // access as an array

