I have problems with configuring a jenkins job that need to do the following task :
- scheduled every 30 minutes => OK
- do an update (CVS, SVN, ...) => OK
- send an email if a change is detected in the SCM repo => KO
So my job is configured as follow :
- Source Code Management : cvs root / branch / ...
- Build Triggers : Poll SCM : */30 * * * *
- Build : No buils step
- Post-build Actions : E-mail Notification
But I received emails only when the build failed and not when an update is detected.
Any hint ?
Short answer: add an email-ext trigger of type "Always" (or "Before Build" or from other triggers e.g. in list below).
jenkins email-ext plugin. https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Email-ext+plugin Read about Triggers '''By default, the only trigger configured is the "Failure" trigger. To add more triggers, select one from the dropdown, and it will be added to the list.'''
- In job configuration - Editable Email Notification - select Advanced box. Add an email Trigger. e.g. list of triggers:
Aborted Always Before Build Failure -> Unstable (Test Failures) Failure - Any Failure - First Failure - Second Failure - Still Fixed Not Built Script - After Build Script - Before Build Status Changed Success Test Improvement Test Regression Unstable (Test Failures) - First Unstable (Test Failures) - Still Unstable (Test Failures) Unstable (Test Failures)/Failure -> Success
- You may also select and configure who gets the emails. Select "Before Build" trigger and choose "Sent To" list. Send To lists choice e.g.
Culprits Developers Recipient List Requestor Suspects build fail Suspects tests fail Upstream Committers
The email lists are configured in the general jenkins configuration.
This answer touches on the topic of this question: Send email to commiters from Jenkins email-ext on every build
you can try it with a little script where:
- you will check is any new commits in the repo
- if changes present you have two ways:
- is to run sending email from command line
- create in jenkins some notification job, which will just send mails and run it with "java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s yourserver build NotificationJobName"