Dimitre Novatchev's XPath visualizer help

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-11 11:51:59


I want to try what looks like a really cool tool. I've dl'd the FF version from http://www.huttar.net/dimitre/XPV/TopXML-XPV.html.

I open XPathMain.htm in FireFox, Browse to the provided test1.xml file, click Process File, with the default //* in the XPath window. In FF, I get this:

[Exception... "Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012" nsresult: "0x805303f4 (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)" location: "file:///Users/doug/Dev/XPV-FF/XPathMain.htm Line: 43"]

I also opened it in Safari, followed the above, and nothing happened, when I clicked Process File.

Once I get it working, what am I expecting to see? I assume I will see the xml file in the big window with selected nodes highlighted?

I'm on OS X 10.6.6 and FF 3.5.16. Thank you.


I experienced this error also and after a bit of trial and error, I resolved the problem by placing my .xml file in the same directory as XPathMain.htm. It then immediately rendered in the lower window after selecting the Process File button.

Moving the authors.xml file outside the XPV-FF/ generates the same error. Perhaps this is the same origin policy type security?


I am not sure what could be an issue-- I cannot reproduce the reported problem.

Just downloaded and installed FF 4, opened file:///C:/Temp/XPV-FF/XPathMain.htm

and then specified:


The XPV works as expected.

Please, try to work with the file authors.xml that comes with the XPV and is in the same folder as the XPV starting page. If you can work with this file, this definitely means that there is a permission problem with the file that has the reported issue.

