I'm running this piece of code in node.js in order to see the files in a directory an to see the stats for them:
var getFiles = function (dir, done) {
fs.readdir(dir, function (err, files) {
if (err) return done(err);
var pending = files.length;
files.forEach(function (file) {
fullPath = dir + "/" + file;
fs.stat(fullPath, function (err, stat) {
if (err) {
console.log("Stat error");
} else if (stat && stat != undefined) {
My problem is with file names containing special characters. I'm swedish, so there are lots of å, ä and ö. The output from fullPath is correct when it's outputting most filenames, but whenever the filename contains a special character, that character is displayed as "?", and then fs.stat fails cause it cannot find the file. What have I missed? I'm running version v0.5.7 on Windows.
Thanks in advance.
I think that the problem is that Windows encodes filenames as ISO-whatever but node reads them as utf8. Try using iconv to convert from iso to utf8.