I am working on creating a Reports Dashbaord for automated tests that run once in a day. I am using webdriver io,and so faar allure has been super helpful in building detailed reports.
I am using the allure command line command
allure generate --clean ./allure-results && allure open
to generate the reports, however I am not able to get my PREVIOUS results and my TRENDS tile is empty. History is also EMPTY
Is there any way I can store daily reports and filter by date and see them stacked against a particular day?
Process to make Trend and History work:
Before generating the report, copy the history folder from your previous allure-report folder inside your current allure-results folder.
Therefor your new allure-report will have a new history folder that you need to save for the next day, and so on and so forth.
You can integrate your build with Jenkins, where you can use Allure plugin to generate reports.
You have to install it from Manage plugin. Once installed you can configure it to run post build in your job configuration.
This will generate allure reports for each build you run and store it in build number folder. You'll also get the trend tile populating automatically.
For more information you can refer allure documentation here: Allure Jenkins configuration