I am developing an app in Rails 3, currently I use Devise as the login and Rails_admin as the admin panel with Paper_trail tracking all changes made by 'user' model... Problem is I have two user models, User and Admin. So a line of code in rails_admin.rb (initiliazer) to setup Paper_trail to track history:
config.audit_with :paper_trail, User
Is there any way to have paper_trail monitor changes made by both User and Admin, or can it only follow one model? I notice that even when it is set like this, and I make a change from within Rails_admin as an admin, the change says it was made by the User with the same ID as the admin that made the change.
The best way to handle this is to install CanCan, remove my Admin Model, and take advantage of using Multiple Roles within a single model for the current situation.