I want to log to a text file whatever is print
ed to sys.stdout
. While I understand smarter people can come up with more elegant and Pythonic solutions, here is my solution
class logger:
def __init__(self, filename='log.txt'):
self.logf = open(filename, 'a')
global print
self.__print = print
print = self.lognprint
def __del__(self):
def lognprint(self, *args, **keywords):
self.__print(*args, file = self.logf, **keywords)
self.__print(*args, **keywords)
now if anywhere in my code I add
mylog = logger()
anything that is print
ed afterwards is also logged.
But for many obvious reasons this is not safe/good. For example multiple logger
objects can be nasty.
In addition I am inspired by
from __future__ import print_function
(see this for example) and I want to do something similar, so that when I import
my module, the builtin print
is overridden by my version of print anywhere in the code.
How is that possible?
A similar solution, or logging stuff to a file, which also printed to std.out, is given in the logging cookbook.
Here is how you can simply log stuff to a file called 'spam.log' and also print certain stuff to std.out:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('simple_example')
# create file handler which logs even debug messages
fh = logging.FileHandler('spam.log')
# create console handler with a higher log level
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
# create formatter and add it to the handlers
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# add the handlers to logger
# 'application' code
logger.debug('debug message')
logger.info('info message')
logger.warn('warn message')
logger.error('error message')
logger.critical('critical message')
In this example all messages go to the file, only higher levels go to console.
Instead of placing your code inside the class, put it at the module level. This way it will be executed the first time the module is imported:
# logging.py
print = my_print