I have a result of "aggregate" like this:
week year Severity
1 10 2013 26
2 11 2013 5
3 16 2013 26
I would like to draw a barplot with (as maximum) 52 bars (one for every week) with stacked bars of "severity" height for every year. I see from "barplot" documentation that I need a matrix for that. Of course I could use for/while and smth like that to get what I need, but I wonder if there's not a more "R-ish" way to solve this (seemingly pretty typical task) ?
So, in more technical terms, I need to convert my {X; 3} dimensional data frame to a {52; Y} dimensional matrix, where values of "severity" for "year" and "week" will be placed into proper "cells".
I've tried to use "melt" but the only difference I see is a change in column names + extra column.
Any ideas? Thanks !
Apparently, this was already answered in Reshape three column data frame to matrix ("long" to "wide" format)
I, for one, used an "xtabs" approach and it works like a charm:
m <- xtabs(Severity~year+month, data=ss1)
and the result:
year 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12
2013 0 0 31 32 26 17 0 33 0 40
2014 0 0 22 33 22 0 8 0 57 6
2015 23 2 0 0 32 0 26 0 0 0
2016 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Barplot is then build as just "barplot(m)"