Here's my code
public class JWebUnitTest extends WebTestCase {
public JWebUnitTest(String name) {
public void setUp() {
public void testSearch() {
setFormElement("q", "httpunit");
assertLinkPresentWithText("User's Manual");
In the Failure Trace, I see the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException (moving down..) Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Operation timed out: connect: could be due to invalid address
Why is "http://www.google.com/" an invalid address? Why am I getting this IOException?
I would suggest you to try any of these options
1.) Clean the project once . Project - Clean (in Eclipse) and rebuild
2.) Try updating your eclipse to latest version
3.) Try to hit your localhost server (This will show whether theres really a problem with ur code or with eclipse)
4.) You should be needing a proxy. So configure accordingly
Since you classified this as "in Eclipse", is this only happening within Eclipse? Can you try running the same outside of Eclipse?
Assuming you have network connectivity to http://www.google.com with a web browser on the same machine, it is likely a proxy issue. Either you need a proxy, and the JVM isn't configured to use one - or you don't need a proxy, and the JVM is being configured to use one. (Are you running this on a corporate or other organizational network?) See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html for details on how to do this.