I am looking for a Java regexp lib with support for recursion, like:
JDK does not support it, ORO does neither.
Anyone knows about such?
Thanks, Ondra
Edit: See http://www.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.recursive.php
And I need it for this expression:
(?:mUi)^/--++ *+(.*)(?: *(?<= |^)\\.((?:\\([^)\\n]+\\)|\\[[^\\]\\n]+\\]|\\{[^}\\n]+\\}|<>|>|=|<){1,4}?))?$((?:\\n.*+)*)(?:\\n(?0)|\\n\\\\--.*$|\\z)
The Stevesoft Pat library has some recursive-matching capability (documented here), but that feature probably isn't as useful as you expect it to be. If recursive matching is that important to you, you should probably be using a real parser instead of regexes.
The answer is: There's none. I could possibly modify the JDK's java.util.regex