I am currently using the smoothScroll
function on a horizontally scrolling website. The current jQuery I have running is both for a previous/next section button and a regular navigation for all sections. The regular navigation is that with the .scroll-test class. This is the jQuery code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var url = 1;
$('a.forward').click(function () {
url = url + 1;
$(this).attr({ href: '#section' + url });
$(this).parent().attr({ class: 'section' + url });
$('a.backward').click(function () {
url = url - 1;
$(this).attr({ href: '#section' + url });
$(this).parent().attr({ class: 'section' + url });
$('a.forward, a.backward').smoothScroll();
What I want is to change the speed of the scroll animation. Right now it's going really fast when jumping over more than one page.
Thanks in advance!
Can't you set the speed by passing it a param (object) to the function like so
The speed value is the animation time in milliseconds