Linking libz.dylib and libsqlite3.dylib in Xamarin iOS Project

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-11 10:09:50


I created a Xamarin iOS binding project that requires the following frameworks:


I added the following line in my iOS binding project to the linkwith.cs file:

Frameworks = "SystemConfiguration CoreTelephony"

This seems to work correctly and tell that project to include these frameworks when binding. From what I have read, it sounds like the remaining 2 libraries need to be added as linker flags in the project referring to the DLL generated from my iOS binding project. So I created a test app, imported the DLL, and now need to add the linker flags but my project cannot find the right libraries.

My linker flags in Xamarin Studio are as follows:

-gcc_flags "-lz -lsqlite3.0"

When I build my Xamarin test app I get the a few errors regarding the frameworks cannot be found. Are there additional flags that need to be linked or do I need to do some additional configuration in my iOS binding project?


I found a great resource:

I needed to add LinkerFlags = "-lz -lsqlite3.0" to my .linkwith.cs file. I then rebuilt the library to generate a new DLL and added this to my test app. The test app builds correctly then.


If you are creating your bindings for a cocoapod using sharpie:

sharpie pod init ios nameOfCocoaPod
sharpie pod bind

you get a nameOfCocoaPod.framework file and .cs-binding files.

The nameOfCocoaPod.framework file should be added to your binding project under Native References. To change e.g. Frameworks or LinkerFlags, right-click and open properties.

