For the past couple days, I've been banging my head against a stupid SOAP server.
In my error logs, I was getting an exception / tracelog that looked like this: "Exception: (Widget, None, ), must be qref" -- (the key phrase being "must be qref").
First, I figured out that we had a rotten cache. So I disabled caching, yet, problems continued.
Second, I figured out that it's really the server's fault for failing to give me a proper WSDL, randomly; especially when using multiple worker instances. News flash - my server operator contact confirms a "server too busy" error in his logs. "Wunderbar!" Apparently, the server redirects to an HTTP 200 page when it should have provided an HTTP 503.
I was wondering how to be more graceful in handling these amazingly bad behaviours, and I actually came up with a useful, fairly generic solution. Posting here for future reference.
Something like this:
from suds.client import Client
from suds.transport.https import HttpAuthenticated
from suds.xsd.doctor import ImportDoctor, Import
import os
import shutil
import time
from tempfile import gettempdir as tmp
class MyTransport(HttpAuthenticated):
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
self.last_headers = None
def send(self,request):
result = HttpAuthenticated.send(self,request)
self.last_headers = result.headers
return result
class TenaciousConnector():
def init_client(self, wsdl_url):
retries = 3
services = None
# Cached mode
(client, services) = self._init_client(wsdl_url)
while not services and retries > 0:
nap_time = 6 - retries
retries = retries - 1
# clear potentially rotten cache right before retrying
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(tmp(), 'suds'), True)
(client, services) = self._init_client(wsdl_url)
if not services:
# No-cache mode
retries = 3
(client, services) = self._init_client(wsdl_url, False)
while not services and retries > 0:
nap_time = 6 - retries
retries = retries - 1
(client, services) = self._init_client(wsdl_url, False)
if not services:
raise Exception("Failed at loading WSDL from {0}".format(wsdl_url))
return client
def _init_client(self, wsdl_url, cache=True):
i_doc = ImportDoctor(Import('http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/'))
tx = MyTransport()
if cache:
client = Client(wsdl_url, doctor=i_doc, transport=tx)
client = Client(wsdl_url, doctor=i_doc, transport=tx, cache=None)
services = client.wsdl.services
return (client, services)
Used kind of like this:
connector = TenaciousConnector()
client = connector.init_client("http://example.com/webservice/wsdl")