I am totaly new with Apache Spark, therefore, I am very sorry if my question seems to be naive but I did not find a clear answer on internet.
Here is the context of my problem: I want to retrieve json input data from an Apache Kafka server. The format is as follows:
{"deviceName":"device1", "counter":125}
{"deviceName":"device1", "counter":125}
{"deviceName":"device2", "counter":88}
{"deviceName":"device1", "counter":125}
{"deviceName":"device2", "counter":88}
{"deviceName":"device1", "counter":125}
{"deviceName":"device3", "counter":999}
{"deviceName":"device3", "counter":999}
With Spark or Spark Streaming, i want to process this data and to get as an output the following format:
{"deviceName":"device1", "counter":125, "nbOfTimes":4}
{"deviceName":"device2", "counter":88, "nbOfTimes":2}
{"deviceName":"device3", "counter":999, "nbOfTimes":2}
So, I would like to know if what I am searching to do is possible with Spark. And if yes, can you give me some guidance about it ? I would be so thankful.
It can be done with Spark and Spark Streaming. But let's consider the first case with a json file containing your data.
val df = sqlContext.read.format("json").load("text.json")
// df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [counter: bigint, deviceName: string]
// +-------+----------+
// |counter|deviceName|
// +-------+----------+
// | 125| device1|
// | 125| device1|
// | 88| device2|
// | 125| device1|
// | 88| device2|
// | 125| device1|
// | 999| device3|
// | 999| device3|
// +-------+----------+
// +----------+-------+---------+
// |deviceName|counter|nbOfTimes|
// +----------+-------+---------+
// | device1| 125| 4|
// | device2| 88| 2|
// | device3| 999| 2|
// +----------+-------+---------+
Obviously you can write it to any format you want later on. But I think that you get the main idea.